5 Projects complete
5 Projects complete
CGPA: 8.81/10
Worked in USCB customer and data as an Ab Initio developer for various Card partenrship projects
Analyzed various ETL requirements using Ab Initio frameworks for processing transactional data of Copartnered Credit Cards such as GAP, American Airlines, Wyndham, Microsoft Xbox, and JetBlue
Assisted in the end-to-end launch of GAP Co-partnered Credit Cards from ETL perspective and worked on credit card award systems to improve the performance of existing frameworks using Ab Initio
worked on various areas of business development and successfully met the objectives that were set at the beginning of project.
CertificateThis course helped me to identify the difference between a supervised and unsupervised technique, identify which technique they need to apply for a particular dataset and need, engineer features to meet that need, and write python code to carry out an analysis.
CertificateThis course helped me learn: Best practices for creating basic charts and Create visualizations using matplotlib and seaborn
CertificateThis course helped me learn data manipulation and cleaning techniques using the popular python pandas data science library as well as the abstraction of the Series and DataFrame as the central data structures for data analysis
CertificateThe Alumni Cell-KJSCE, a council responsible for handling the college-alumni affairs.
The group responsible for the organisation of Abhiyantriki – technical college festival, Skream – sports technical festival and Symphony – cultural college festival
A programming competition held by SIESGST Arena
A digital marketing competition held by Bloombox-KJSCE
A prototype of a single point secure software solution to seamlessly integrate disbursal of funds and related communication in government
Tackling corruption in government bodies due to inefficient fund disbursal and also to provide a mean to digitalize identity of the beneficiary and the government officials
An app created for Interaction between people stuck in the pandemic situation and finding it difficult to make ends meet, and the people who can donate them the required material.
A web app that takes speech input of the subjective answers from the user and automatically evaluates them thereby reducing the extra burden of checking them manually and provides necessary feedback for the self assessment and improvement of the user.
Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India